Learners - Displays the names and course codes of your current
learners. Clicking on each learner's name brings you into the specific course
information for that individual learner. The following learner/course
information is provided: learner name, phone number, address, email, course
start date , course end date, completion date and extension date (if any). Below
the learner course information is the learner survey. If the learner HAS
completed the survey, the results are displayed. If the learner HAS NOT
completed the survey, the following text will appear in red
"It appears that the survey has not been filled out by the learner".
Send a reminder email to the learner to complete the survey. The Learner Course
Page includes Coursework area for downloading new assignments, uploading graded
assignments, course discussion and chat, Course Resources, Comments, Textbook
information, etc.
Committees - This section displays the names of the Ph.D. learners on whose
dissertation committees you participate. If you are the committee chair, a
"C" will appear to the right of the learner's name. Click on the
learner's name to view the Dissertation Checklist.
Assigned - This section displays a listing of all the courses that you are
mentoring (or have mentored in the past). Click on the individual course code to
view the course information screen which contains a listing of enrolled
learners, the discussion forum, course resources, chat, course comments and required course text.