How are we looking with our upcoming HLC Visit (October 8-10) rapidly approaching?
We are in very good shape. We have published our Self-Study report on-time (in early August), and we’ve conducted comprehensive training sessions on our updated Mission, Vision and Values. I’m really proud of how our collective team has come together to share our recent accomplishments and reflect on our lofty future aspirations here at NCU.
I think my only added recommendation would be: Let’s not get complacent. This is the time to continue working hard, studying and preparing in order to place ourselves into the best possible light among the HLC review committee. I’m asking each of you to spend some time studying and preparing – really looking at our evolved Mission, Vision, Values and Goals & Strategies and reflecting on how your work at NCU helps us to achieve these guiding principles.
In the end, however, please keep in mind that this exercise is so much more than just “studying for an exam.” This massive undertaking helps us for all times – it makes us a much better University, which translates into better outcomes for our students, our valued customers. It’s truly what learning is all about. The ability to meet a present challenge prepares you for the myriad future challenges you will undoubtedly face.
As an NCU Team Member, what can I expect during the HLC visit? (Any personal experiences you’d like to share?
We can expect a very thorough review from top to bottom by the HLC. Keep in mind that while the HLC team is assessing and evaluating us, they will also be acting as consultants, helping us to improve both academics and operations – contributing to our process of continuous innovation.
One thing I will ask of you – if you’re asked a question that you don’t know the answer to, please DON’T make it up. Don’t try to fake it. We’re a team, so simply state: “I do not know the answer to that question, but I will put you in touch with one of our Team Members who is an expert in that particular area.” Answer honestly, but don’t make things up.
Again, refer to the handy “table tents” and posters that we’ve provided all of our Team Members and be able to articulate how your job fits in to our overall Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals & Strategies.
As you approach the first year of your tenure here at NCU, what accomplishments are you most proud of?
I’m not finished with my first year, yet! (Laughs) Actually, let’s save the tactical accomplishments for the next issue of VERITAS, but I will give you a more philosophical answer now.
I’m extremely proud to be here and play a part in this great institution as it moves forward in the right direction. I’m probably most proud of the quality, passion, and focus of our Team Members and your positive attitude and excellent service to our students inspires me. Our values aren’t something we just created for the HLC. I see them in action each and every day in the respect you show each other. I’ve seen great accomplishments over the past several months – and as an institution of higher learning, our future looks very bright.
As Dr. Gardner so eloquently outlined in his retirement speech, Northcentral is really part of this “fourth wave” in the history of education (traditional universities, public universities, and community colleges being the first three phases), expanding access to education for a larger population in our proprietary, for-profit education niche. How does our industry currently look – and how do you envision the future of Northcentral?
First of all, I’d like to express my heartfelt thanks to Dr. Gardner for his many years of service to this University. His impact on our students and alumni will continue to resonate for years to come, and I’m looking forward to dedicating our next issue of HIGHER DEGREES to his legacy.
We are indeed part of this “fourth wave” in education; a non-traditional University using technology to expand access to education. However, our industry is currently experiencing a great deal of turmoil, and there are a number of critics who point out the numerous faults of our industry, especially the financial debt that some students incur while obtaining their degrees. Some of the criticism is valid, and obvious faults need to be corrected. I also believe that this negative publicity is temporal. In the long run, we’re providing a much-needed service that is incredibly valuable – using innovation and technology to provide access to education for students throughout the world, and we can often do it better than traditional institutions.
Our focus here at Northcentral should be on academic quality, and providing superior service to our students through our unique One-to-One teaching model and our commitment to Applied Experiential Learning. Where we’re not meeting expectations, let’s fix them. So, while the current climate of our industry is difficult, our future success remains unlimited.
Anything else you would like to add as we boldly move forward?
Let’s get the job done. We’ve done a tremendous job of studying and preparing for the HLC visit, and now, let’s show ourselves in a very favorable light. And while the exam is still coming, it’s really so much more than just passing the test. 2013 promises to be a very exciting year where we’ll all be able to experience the fruits of our labor.
In brief, we’ll see a transformation of our faculty to an elite level; improved academic quality and curriculum; upgraded technology; and renewed focus on compliance and complaint tracking. We’ll also be offering new opportunities for our Team Members to enhance their own careers, and finally, you’ll witness an expansion of Northcentral University internationally.
This will truly be an exhilarating time for our University. We’ll be experiencing growth in a financially-stable manner, with an emphasis on high academic quality on a global scale. We’ll continue to make progress in fulfilling our Mission – and achieving our potential.
Next year, I think we’ll start to look around and say: “Hey, we really are a premier, global online graduate University!”